Since we launched our Hungary program earlier last year – it’s been getting a lot of love! We’ve sent new teachers from across the UK and the US to start adventures in one of Europe’s most exciting countries, and cities – Budapest. With more and more attention falling on this brilliant program, questions about it are stacking up. So – we thought we’d go through some of the most commonly asked ones to help you decide if Budapest is right for you in 2024. Let’s go…


What’s expected of me as a teacher?

We work with kindergartens, primary schools, middle and high schools throughout Budapest. These schools have opted into a special program to deliver their curriculum in both Hungarian and English, this means you’ll share the classroom with a Hungarian teacher partner who you’ll work closely alongside.

The school’s ethos is heavily influenced by the student’s families, of which most parents speak multiple languages. It’s your task to teach in English, whereas your Hungarian colleague only teaches in Hungarian, this means that students grow up learning both languages to a level of fluency.

You are fully immersed in all school activities and interact with the parents on a regular basis, this adds another level of connection that our current teachers love.


What’s the workload?

Most teachers start work at around 7:30am. They are then involved with getting the classroom ready for the day and greeting the children and the parents.

Group classes end at 2:30pm but there’s one more hour of teaching in a smaller group, tutorial style, where you’re with 4-5 students in a more personalised and informal setting. For these sessions, you may bring board games or other props that highlight your culture and make for a fun an interesting end of the day for the students.

You’re then free to explore the wonderful Budapest or go home and crash at around 3:30pm.

Occasionally, there are periods of the year where additional work is required. These include school performances and exams. You’ll receive overtime pay for these extra hours worked.


How does accommodation work?

The default option for our candidates is that the local partner in Budapest will organise and provide accommodation.

In total, teachers receive a compensation package of 445,000 forint per month, of which our partner uses 150,000 forint to pay for an apartment. It’s an apartment shared with one other foreign teacher, and rent as well as utility bills are covered. You will have your own bedroom but a shared living room and toilet.

Apartments are fully furnished with beds, bedding and a washing machine. Just keep in mind that dryers are not common in Hungary so won’t be on offer

However, we know that some of our teachers prefer to find their own housing. This may be because you are applying as a couple, are bringing a pet or simply prefer to live by yourself. In that case, the money that our local partner would have used for accommodation is given to you directly to find you own accommodation.



What’s the best part of living in Budapest?  

Budapest is a stunning city with so much to offer. Its architecture is similar to Paris’s, including a beautiful wide street in the heart of the city: Andrássy Avenue.

There’s something for everyone, from high end teas at New York Palace café to a few beers in an atmospheric ruin bar.

Public transport is very affordable so getting around is easy, and it’s also one of Europe’s most affordable cities.

The most famous sites in Budapest include the historic thermal baths, the parliament building and the opera house.

Budapest’s Christmas market was voted Europe’s best for a couple years running as well…so it’s a truly amazing city to spend a whole year in. Or maybe more?


Will I earn enough money to live on?

The salary you earn is close to £1,000 per month, not including the cost of accommodation. It’s more than enough to live on, in fact a significant number of our teachers have ended up renewing their contract as the Hungarian lifestyle works so well for them.

That said, you will have to budget and plan your expenses. As in any big city, certain places cater more to tourists, and this is reflected in higher prices (the ruin bars for example). But if you go for dinner in small restaurant, you are able to eat a delicious meal for just 3000 forint (around £6.50).

Beautiful statue in Budapest


What should I expect from Hungarian culture?

Hungarians have a direct style of communicating, simply put.

For example… a friend of one of our teachers plays water polo for a club that has a first and second team, and she’d been part of the first team for most of the season. Then completely out of the blue, someone told her that her level was more suited to the second team, and she’d be part of that team going forward. There wasn’t much sugar coating it, but at least she knew where she stood!

Contrary to that, we have also heard from a number of our teachers of the warmth and hospitality that Hungarians have shown them, once they’ve got to know and trust them. Some of our teachers have even been shown around the entire city by their new local friends.

For teachers from the US and the UK, Hungary is the perfect balance between an exciting new place with a very distinct culture, but also one that’s still fairly similar to our own.


Sounds amazing, right?

If you want to have your own Hungarian adventure in 2024 – then we can help you make it happen.

Click here to learn more about the program OR if you’re ready to go – apply here!

See you in Budapest.